Thursday 8 September 2016

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a Cactus type plant that also belongs to a Susan flower .It contains vitamin E , C and many other components that are useful for skin and health. Its cold affect prevents our skin from sun burn. Excessive quantity of vitamin E and C are essential for skin. Different of Aloe Vera are available in market and people can choose according to their skin type. It is available in Gel, Lotion, and Moisturizer and juice type. Juice is the very effective form of Aloe Vera. Its use gives great results. Your skin starts glowing. For dull, dry and sensitive skin .Aloe Vera Gel is very much effective.
Plant of Aloe Vera is elixir for bur cases. If we took white clean gel type pulp of Aloe Vera and apply on burn of effected body part, within no time it will evanescent all pain.

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