Wednesday 7 September 2016

Back Pain

In this age of science and facilities, every second person in ten is suffering from back pain. They problem of back pain is very common in people working in offices and spent their most of time on chair before computer. But there are some other reasons causing back pain.
Men and women both are facing the problem of back pain, but reasons are almost different. Here are some major and unusual reasons of back pain in men.

Reason of back pain in Men:

  • Disease of Belly

  • Disease of Intestines

  • Disease of Pancreas

Women face different issues for back pain.

 Reason of back pain in women:

  • Irregular menstrual problems

  • Disease of Uterus

  •  Tumour of Ovary

  • Depression

Mostly women are suffering from this issue more than men. If we take a look the ratio of back pain is more in women than men.
According to a analysis, 90 percent people face the problem of back pain in any part of whole life. According to conclusion of specialists, in 85 percent people the reason of back pain can’t be diagnosed.
While some doctors insist that 80 percent patients of back pain are facing some psychological problems or some emotional issue. Only 2 percent patients need surgery for relief of back pain.
Back is the main part of body on which a rely. Back bone is made up of 33 vertebrates. There are disks in between these vertebrates that work as a “Shock Absorber”. The presence of these disks makes vertebrates flexible. Strong connection makes vertebrates and disk joint together. If there will be no disks, then a human can’t move its body. Nature has ordered these 33 vertebrates wisely on each other. On each and every vertebrate has a hole in its center and on sides. Centre hole is slightly and spinal cord passes through it while from side holes, thin veins passes and control body parts.
Bone, muscles, ligament make the performance of back bone better. But on other hand if a minor part is injured it may cause back pain. Back pain can be in any part of whole back bone..

Back has been divided in three parts according to Anatomy:

  1. Upper Part

  2. Middle Part

  3. Lower Part

The lower part is also known as long part. This lower long part is usually cause pain because it’s the part that carries all weight.
 The question is that why back pain is common in people?
Experts think “Back pain is chasing human from the very first time when human starts walking on two legs”
The list of reason of back pain is very long. But people suffering from obesity and don’t exercise daily and suffer from mental and psychological problems, they have more ratio of back pain then others

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