Thursday 8 September 2016

Barack Hussein Obama

Barack Hussein Obama is currently youth PRESIDENT of the 
UNITED STATS. He was born on 4th August, 1961in HONOLULU in Hawaii. His father was from Kenya and mother was from KANSAS. He respectively completed his education with LOANS and SCHOLARSHIP. Obama is GRADUATE of COLOMBIA UNIVERSITY. He got his LAW degree from HARVARD  LAW SCHOOL, where he was also the PRESIDENT of the HARVARD LAW REVIEW. OBAMA was also a COMMUNITY ORGANIZER in CHICAGO.
In CHICAGO, he served as a CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEY from 1192 to 2004. HE used to teach CONSTITUTIONAL LAW at the UNIVERSITY of CHICAGO LAW SCHOOL from 1997 to2004. He also worked in ILLINOIS SENATE. He is the first AFRICAN AMERICAN PRESIDENT of UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. He served as a SENATOR of UNITED STATES from January 2005. His official residence is WHITE HOUSE while private is in CHICAGO ILLINOIS. His wife MICHELLE ROBINSON and two MALIA ( born on 1998 ) and SASHA ( born on 2001 ) made his life complete.
He got NATIONAL attraction during the campaign. He get his victory in ILLINOIS DEMOCRATIC primary for the SENATE ELECTION in March 2004, Also his inspiring address in July 2004 at the DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION, Last his impression on the people's mind. In November 2004, He won election to the U.S SENATE in ILLINOIS.
His presidential campaign started in February 2007. In 2008, He won his party's NOMINATION against HILLARY RODHAM. Then he defeated republican nominee JOHN MCCAIN and was elected as THE PRESIDENT OF UNTIED STATES on 20th January 2009.
Obama was named the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE LAUREATE in October 2009. Being a PRESIDENT , he took brave decisions. He restored U.S economy. He changed legislation of USA. He changed policy about HEALTH and ECONOMIC CRISIS. Also change other domestic policies. He cut TAXES for working families, increased health care for families. He also passed unemployment insurance for the betterment of his people. he also took some daring steps world peace, resulted the death of USAMA.

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