Thursday 8 September 2016

Burj Al Khalifa

Burj khalifa know as Burj Dubai as the tallest monument in the world. Its 2,723 ft (329.84m) highest tower not only in United Arab Emirates but also in the world.Burj Dubai’s construction began on September 21, 2004 and completed on October 1,2009, But the building on 4 January 2010. The tower’s architecture was down by Skid-more, Merrill and Owing of Chicago and Adrian Smith was chief architect while bill baker was chief structural engineer.
Samsung C&T of South Korea was the primary contractor of the tower. In US dollars total cost of the project was about 1.5 billion and for the whale downtown Dubai development 20 billion US dollars.
Chairman of the project’s developer, Mohamed Ali Alabbar said office space pricing at Burj Dubai reached nearly 4000 US dollars per square ft. The residence pricing is 3500 square feet. The project’s completion surrounded with financial crisis of 2007, 2010.
 Burj Dubai got involved in difficulties and debt from its huge ambitions and the Government was forced to find sponsors from Abu Dhabi. But after, in a surprise move at its inauguration ceremony, the Burj has renamed Burj Khalifa, in honor to the President Khalifa bin Zayad for his support.
Due to suddenly fall in Dubai’s property market, Burj Haifa’s rent was plummeted 40 percent. Only 75 apartments were sold out of 900 apartments in the tower. The building has returned the world’s highest freestanding building. The build Burj Khalifa was the decision of the Government to be named in world’s record and to enhance tourism ratio in the country and wanted to put Dubai on the map of the world with something rely exciting.

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