Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Underride Crash

When a car and a truck get in an accident, the car has one disadvantage; an under ride crash. An under ride crash is one of the most dangerous accidents and usually occurs on highways. Here is a picture of an under ride guard which is required on all trailers. But did you know that most under ride guards fail to stop a collision? According to IIHS; most of these guards fail to stop fetal accidents causing a lot of deaths. The Canadian standard is higher than the American standard. However; cars still manage to get under the truck even with the Canadian standard. If a car traveling at 55 KM/H following the truck in a lane behind goes underneath, the odds are the car will stop before it reaches the windshield of the car. If that happens, the passengers and the driver would be safe and would not have to deal with any serious injuries. If a car changing lane following behind a truck crashes on the side of the trailer, the under ride guards will fail to stop the car from under riding and will cause death to anyone in the front seats or possibly in the back too. The safest thing to do when following a truck on a highway is to maintain a safe distance from the back, say three car lengths. Or you can overtake the truck. To stay safe, just remember this: If you cant see the truck driver in his mirrors, he cannot see you.

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