Wednesday 7 September 2016


Gemini:                                                21 May to 21 June
Related Digit or No:                           Five
Lucky Number:                                   Six and Four
Related colors:                                   Green and Blue-Green
Related Stone:                                    Topaz
Lucky Stone:                                      Opal and
Related Day:                                      Wednesday
Flowers:                                              Lavender, Lily
                Gemini is always very intelligent, warm hatred, good leaders and well manners. They are always trying to learn more and new things throughout their lives. Their way of speaking is exemplary. Gemini is considered as The Soul of their circle.
But on other hand, they are not very much passionate lover. Gemini are selfish and impatient. They see many ups and downs n their entire lives, but it doesn’t leave any big change in their personality. They can’t stay at same place for a long time even in business or residence.
They are romantic and love to flirt always. They like obedient wives with a big “Yes” to their every order
They don’t like to see their wives silent and don’t like to see that their wives spend extra money on extra stuff. Mostly Gemini husbands pass a tough married life. While Gemini female are very attractive, present minded, well behave and talkative. Mostly men like them. Changes are a part of Gemini’s women’s lives and they also welcome changes. These Gemini’s women are strong about their lives.
Gemini sees many dreams for their children. They give coverage to their children to fight against problems. They want to see their children highly educated. They make their children very confident and outspoken.
Gemini children are very intelligent and near to speak in very early age. They come to know about many things before the time. They are very sensitive and have attraction towards their studies. While they mostly leave their work pending and can’t fulfill it dew to their non serious attention and nature.
Best occupation for Gemini is Judge, Lawyer, Teacher, Secretary, Businessmen, Advertiser, Accountant, Traveler Agent, Telephone operator and Commentator.
Gemini people can suffer from the re disease, Nerves diseases, Joint diseases, diseases related to chest and lungs and digestive problems.
Gemini people can be good friends of these stars.
Best:                                 Libra, Aquarius
Good:                                 Leo, Aries
Unsuitable:                      Virgo, Pisces and Sagittarius
Natural Careless:          Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn
Gemini should avoid changing their Job or business again and again; they should make habit of patience.
Take proper seep and take care of their health

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