Thursday 8 September 2016

Knowledge of Stars and Zodiac

What is Star? The knowledge of stars is as today authentic and practicable as was many years ago. That's why  Now A Days people of America and Europe planned their life's in the light of this knowledge and spent a happy life.
All the persons or Astrologist who have the knowledge of Star, they had divided Humans according to their birth date into twelve groups or stars. They also had given these groups or stars individual sign for their recognition  in accordance to the Nature of Stars.
Here are the names of all these stars. You can find out your star according to your date of birth. Then you can know the qualities, dis-qualities, best occupation, field, chances of your progress, reasons of your failure and all things that effects your life.
Star Aries 21 March to 29 April. All the people who born from 21 March to 20 April or between these days their star is Aries.
  • Taurus 21 April to 21 May
  • Gemini 22 May to 21 June
  • Cancer 22 June to 23 July
  • Leo 24 July 23 August
  • Virgo 24 August to 23 September
  • Libra 24 September to22 October
  • Scorpio 23 October to 21 November
  • Sagittarius 22 November 21 December
  • Capricorn 22 December to 20 January
  • Aquarius 21 January to 19 February
  • Pisces 20 February to 20 March
All these stars always remain under the effects of any one or two planets and effects of these planets are found in the people of that star. Each planet has its own effects and nature.
lets see which Star has effect of which one or two planets.
  • Aries: this star is effected by two planets Mars and Pluto
  • Taurus Its effected by Venus
  • Gemini Its effected by Mercury
  • Cancer Its effected by Moon
  • Leo Its effected by Sun
  • Virgo Its effected by Mercury
  • Libra Its effected by Venus
  • Scorpio Its effected by Pluto
  • Sagittarius Its effected by Jupiter
  • Capricorn Its effected by Saturn
  • Aquarius Its effected by Uranus
  • Pisces Its effected by Neptune
These are the some basic facts and knowledge of stars. later on We'll discuss about every star and relating facts like lucky day, number, color and diamond.
By this knowledge you can Plan a better life for you.

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